Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The 12 days of...

Of Christmas? Not quite...

But even though we're at the complete opposite end of the calendar, the feelings that generally accompany that festive season are resoundingly present, in the present.

Think excitement. Think anticipation. Think anxiety.

No this is not "The 12 days of Christmas" that's at my front door, but what I fondly refer to as "The 12 days of Insanity," that begins tomorrow (well I guess today now).

Let me give you an idea of what in the next 12 days must transpire:

  • Remember and rehearse 3 ballets from this/past seasons - one of which I've never actually performed before.
  • Dress rehearsal for our Season Encore performance.
  • An exam for my Interpersonal Communications course.
  • 5 more performances of CoppĂ©lia.
  • Our Season Encore performance on Sunday, and our annual end of the year company party.
  • 2 full days of rehearsals to learn and practice Benjamin Millipied's ballet 3 Movements, which we're taking to the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. on Wednesday.
  • An 8-12 page final paper for my Interpersonal Communications course.
  • A dress rehearsal and 3 shows of 3 Movements at the Kennedy Center.
Yeah, I think that pretty much covers it...
But do you want to know the miracle in all of this?
Stressika (an occasionally appropriate nickname kindly created by my P.T. Boyd Bender) is not stressed. She's not even Stressika, she's just Jessika.
You see generally even typing out such a list would instantly make my chest tighten, my pulse quicken, and I'd feel utterly overwhelmed. But right now I just feel, well, whelmed I guess... Not "under," and not "over." I just am.
Sure there's a lot to do. I'm not ignorant of that fact. But instead of freaking out, I'm deciding to take each day as it comes, trusting the Lord to provide me with the energy, focus, mental and physical capacity to do all that not only everyone else requires of me, but what He requires of me too.
But you know what?! I'm not going to stop there. This isn't just about surviving these next 12 days... No! I'm going to enjoy these next 12 days. I'm going to let the joy of the Lord be my strength. I'm going to let excitement overwhelm me, not anxiety or exhaustion, or even just mere existing. And I'm not only going to ask for this joy, strength and excitement - I'm going to claim it! Because that's how He wants me to live each and every day of my life. Full of joy. Radiating His Light, and Life and Presence, not hiding it under a bushel.

So bring it on 12 days of Insanity! Jesus and I, we're looking forward to the challenge, because with Him, nothing is impossible!
What are you doing the next 12 days? Or better yet, how will you live them?

Here's a great photo taken of one of the ballet's we'll be performing in the Season Encore performance. Come and see it - it's gonna be an unforgettable show! You can get more info and buy your ticket here.

Jeff Stanton with Jessika Anspach, Laura Gilbreath and Kylee Kitchens

Pacific Northwest Ballet

Balanchine Rep

©Angela Sterling 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Jordan Richardson, and I know my mom has talked to you, but I just wanted to let you know what an incredible encouragement and a blessing your blog has been to many dancers. I'm at PBT and started a bible study this last year and your blog has been so helpful to so many girls there. You have been such an answer to my prayers. Thank you so much for showing me that I'm not alone as a follower of Jesus in the "ballet world". You have no idea what and encouragement and impact your blog has made in my life! Thank you so much!
Many blessings and much love,