I'm in the home stretch of the Winter 2010 quarter. And I have to say it's been one of the busiest but most gratifying, eye-opening and mind-blowing quarters of my formal education "life." A vague statement I know, but at 1am that's what you get. That and photos... lots of photos.
I'm in the process of putting together my final writing portfolio for my Creative Non-Fiction Writing course at Bellevue College and one of the paper's I'm including centers around the road trip I took last summer... I think I already mentioned this. Actually, the paper centers around my Grandma Lolo. But this paper looks like it's just the beginning of a much MUCH larger endeavour. But I'm going to have to sleep on that one...
Anyway since I'm "writing"ed out, below are some photos of my past - of the line of beautiful strong Godly women I come from... And aren't they beautiful? Hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into my past.
My Great-Grandma Grace... isn't she a beauty?!!!
The Quamme Family... quite the photogenic bunch. My Grandma Lolo (that's short for Lois) is in my Great-Grandma Grace's arms.
Not a strong Godly woman, but a definitely a good lookin' guy.
Great-Grandpa Milt. He's the Cary Grant/Gregory Peck kind of handsome. They don't make 'em like that anymore...
And that's my Grandma Lolo
Now that's what I call a dress! My weakness must have been inherited...
And here's my Momma with her Mama...
Mom and Grandma Lolo sitting together at St. John's on our last day in Billings, as we journey westward back home - June 2009.
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